Tuesday, December 5


I'm so over prep-time! Really, can you ever really be prepared enough anyway?? No,no u can't....nothing can prepare you for real life-promise....so, can i be done with the preparation phase of my life, cause it's kinda freaking me out and making me rethink all the plans I've been making. I'm not so sure I can handle any of it anymore. I mean, just throw me in there already. I usually throw a really good learning curve anyway. Between work, Hope, all the people that have been brought into my life, and life itself for the last 2 yrs....I'm over it.....I was saturday night and then again today after a few hrs @ Hope....Celia-u can so have the counseling thing anyday...it is way too draining for me...even more so than my worst nights at work (guess that's why u do what u do, and i do what i do)

I think this all started while I was rocking Sat. night. Another nurse sat down next to me and shared a cup of coffee to pass the minutes. She asked me what I wanted to do in Africa-it suddenly hit me like a ton of bricks....I just looked down into my arms and then back at her, with tears in my eyes and said, umm i dunno, I guess...this....k, done with the preparation....seriously!!!!....All I have to say is...one far off day when, God willing, I do have kids...I'll have been prepared for pretty much anything they might do or come across...I'm all over it.

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