Wednesday, September 27

Odds and Ends

Here's some things you've probably missed out on in the last 2 months or so..... mainly cause i've been lazy and very bad with updates....u know, if you lived here, you wouldn't have to use this blog as an informational venue!

I love my girls from highschool.....

and there's no excuse too good to visit!

The Atlanta Aquarium is insane and there are some really large scary-ass fish out there.....well, it's the truth!

My little brother is now in college!

The beach was long overdue...

concerts are fun....especially outdoors with lots of friends!

@ Toomers post kicking some LSU tail....

Auburn Rocks! War Eagle!

K, in other important updates:

  • My sweet primary Katlyn got to go home after4 months! I miss her laugh and smile like crazy, and her insane love of awesome music, but I get to see her in a wk!!!!
  • Courtney got a dog, that I LOVE! I'm pretty sure I need one.
  • Celia moved to nashvegas....yeah! and now has to put up with me lots.
  • Jessica got engaged!-we love Brian, and the way he proposed :) but I'm super sad that she's moving and leaving so soon.
  • I'm actually joining a church-hurray for Fellowship.
  • Pam's moving to Houston and I'm insanely sad, but happy for where God's leading her family.
  • I've now been mute for 3 days (sick for 8)...yup you read right....that's what you get when God tries to tell you something and you repeatedly refuse to listen-He has a sense of humor. Funny, cause i'm not laughing (that too goes with the voice)....believe me-it's very frustrating when you can't communicate verbally-no cell phones, whispering for insanely long periods of time, playing the unending game of charades (which i really think was more for others amusement than information sharing)....the boredom that comes with a clear schedule, not being able to talk, and having to call into work sick for 4 straight shifts (that's where the forced listening comes in) . Moral of the story: even if you don't want to hear what He has to say, u can't just ignore. He's creative.

Tuesday, September 5

War Damn Eagle!

Can I just say that I love Auburn Football....not that i've ever mentioned it before or anything, but....I love it!!!....the game was awesome....the atmosphere was awesome-who couldn't love 20 friends, a big screen (with several others showing the UT game and Bama game within watching distance), bar food, beer, shakers, and lots of screaming? ok, being @ the game would be better.....but I have a free ticket to the LSU game in 2 wks so I am beyond excited! Also, of notable importance: I'm off work for all the big games which means I don't have to try to catch up on in between saving peanuts while I'm at work-its a little too nervewracking and slightly unsafe-since we aren't one of the lucky units that have tv's in our patients rms.....whoever made the decision that the babies don't need tv was stupid!

k, so who do I have to talk to in order to make it football season every season? Ok, i like basketball and baseball too......they're just not as fun watching it on TV and nashville's a little too far from auburn to make it a weekly outing. K, so speaking of patient care-i should probably get back to it! War Damn Eagle....can't wait till saturday!

Friday, September 1

I will not be broken!

Too bad i'm not technologically advanced enough to add sound to this puppy, cause you would enjoy a little Bonnie Raitt.
Just how I've been feeling the last few months...ok, well, maybe not as pretty, but you get the idea. I think its completely neat that even though its poor stem was broken, it was able to rise above and continue growing and blooming. So here's to hoping the rainclouds lift soon and the sun will come out-if not....guess i'll just have to continue fulfilling the song a little longer!