Wednesday, February 15

Happy Belated Single's Awareness Day

Yes...the accronym is SAD....but it's just the opposite....if there can be a day celebrating coupledom, there can definately be one celebrating freedom...i mean, being single. Too bad there aren't cards for that....I should market that in the card industry. So, the pics below represent why it is so great to be single...there is nothing wrong with having a little fun with the girls and some guy friends. It's really not that bad. No one should fight's too exhausting anyway...just give in and enjoy it while it lasts....that's how i think everyone should live life anyway....taking each opportunity and making the most of every moment....cause it IS your life...and it's not happening TO you, but it WILL happen despite you and how you choose to view embrace it!
Bachelorette parties always prove fun and...well... memorable (thanks to pictures...)
Why not relive the 80's? or any decade for that matter
Weddings....well, again...choose singleness and be thankful for now
Aren't nurses hot? and they know how to have fun....
especially Auburn nurses-War Eagle!

1 comment:

Courtney said...

War Eagle to that pic... Auburn nurses are so hott!