Wednesday, January 4

Sometimes, I do conform

After muchas friendly nagging from many, but mainly Court, I have completed number one on my super short listed '06 started....that's is only the 4th and I have done it...that is, after all, why I will rule the world.....

So now the world can get just a little more of being with me in person, or reading my email solicitations aren't enough....kinda scary that they let just anyone blog...when I rule...that will definately be will most of everything....not that I don't believe in freedom....just freedom that I have first signed off on.....while it may sound slightly like a dictatorship...think of it as helpful guidance or a healthy system of checks and balances where I play the ultimate conscience. Oh how pretty the world would be. Get ready, cause any day now, I'm sure someone with some kind of importance and authority to instate me as ruler of the world (without a vote, of course) will be ringing my phone to let me know....till then...the anticipation is heavy for everyone. I suppose I could start a therapy support group to help everyone cope.....


Courtney said...

Yeah you did it! im so proud! Thanks for my shoutouts!

celia said...

hooray for you! i love the name!

Anonymous said...

i can't think of a title that's more appropriate for you to have! :)

Anonymous said...

Erin! yes! I knew the campaign would begin soon...I hadn't anticipiated such a verocious approach. I'd vote for you!!