Sunday, July 22

My daddy was wrong....

I do not claim to have a green fact I often have stated that I kill plastic plants....and we ARE currently in a drought......This being said, my parents came to my place a few wks ago and laughed at me saying I had killed my tree.....I responded, I did NOT kill my tree. I had been vigorously watering it, only b/c I too noted that it had many brown leaves where green should be. However, I didn't believe my tree was dead, mainly b/c, well, how could that be?....i mean i run in huge forrests full of acres and acres of super green and very alive trees....and I have NEVER seen any sprinkler heads hiding behind rocks, or a park ranger holding a hose as I go trampsing through. So why would my lack of TLC for the tree in my backyard kill it??? But my parents (specifically my dad) kept claiming that it was time to give up....i had killed the tree and that was that.....I continued watering it.....and watering it....ever determined to prove him wrong. in fact, I claimed it was getting a little greener....he returned 1.5 wks later to loudly pronounce it's death and prove how many dead limbs and leaves it had......but I still claimed that somewhere, was still alive....after all, it's a TREE for goodness sakes. I know, judging from the pic posted above you too would probably agree with Him. But then you'd be wrong too!

Ha Ha....see!....I can't kill the says so right here....God made the tree in my back yard along with the rest in Percy Warner, and they are just shall the one in my backyard (or at least that's what I wanted to think...cause my really brown tree kinda made me sad and i wanted it to spring back to life overnight or something) I kept watering.....and watering.....and much to my surprise....I can't out the other morning to dance joyously around my back porch and sing (no really, i did) dad's wrong...He's alive, He's alive...the tree's alive...(think raffikki and the lion king...referring to when he has just discovered simba's still alive). See for yourself:
So my point is...that I too have been like this tree....and somehow, as long as your roots are firmly planted you can make it through the drought can make it when things around you are heating up and it seems as though all your leaves are brown. maybe, even, everyone else thinks your dead. But have faith....He's producing fruit....and your leaves again will turn green!

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