Thursday, July 20

The 3 moods of every girl....

Now we all know that there are way more than 3....this pic just very accurately describes 3 in one second....(thanks girls for helping me prove my point so very well....)
  • Can I just say that I HATE being a girl?? Ok, not really, cause I wouldn't exactly want to be a guy either, no offense boys! I mean there are some perks to girl-world....but really? Is all the primping, crying, and pain really necessary?? what good is it bringing about....i'm not seeing its justification....and no, its not just this no, its every wk; everyday, of every wk! I'm just saying.....

  • and that's what blogs are for....honesty...which incidently will be policy number one instated when I'm in charge....


celia said...

vent girl vent!

Anonymous said...

this picture is one of my favorites ever. ;) may my camera rest in peace.

erin said...

pretty sure what's his name murdered it....pretty sure! with NO reason at all....hmmmm....

Courtney said...

almost there! on thurs we will be laying on a raft in the blue ocean sipping on a frozen drink... we can make it