Tuesday, May 30

Memorial day festivities-and a special treat

ahhh the festivities.....i was in Clemson for my baby brother's graduation and......i know u can hardly wait.....but i found fireflies....

memorial day festivities included:
  • croquet...that's right...i said croquet cause some people still play such games....i would also like to play a reminiscent game of badmitten soon if anyone has access.....can i just announce that i am the comeback queen of croquet since i won 3/5 games. i only lost the last 2 cause a-it was really dark, b-i was being nice and figured after i had sung several beautiful renditions perfectly on pitch of i am the champion that i should allow someone else to win, doubtful that it was the alcohol kicking in. i'm sure you are all sad that u missed out on my twillight seranading, cause it was truly unforgettable....and since i stole the set from our house....i'm planning a few centennial dates, perhaps percy warner, who's in?
  • lots of sun time....i love being outside just sitting and reading or hanging out
  • grill out.....mmmm...chicken, steaks, hamburgers....yummy
  • perfectly warm weather-while some might disagree with me....i like the 90's....just gotta dress for it and seek out the shade....
  • and finally....the fireflies....there i was, concentrating on a much needed shot, when i saw my first firefly of the summer.....oh how i heart them.....now i just need them to be in n'ville and it will all be ok.

-while i would have loved to be on the water....alas.....you gotta make do with what you're given....as i recently told one of my friends (somewhat sarcastically)...."when life gives u lemons, you gotta make lemonade"....to which she replied, "erin, i don't really like lemonade"....a-who doesn't....b-my response: "andrea, then make lemonade and serve it to someone"-either way, you gotta do something with them, so at the end of the day, you won't look around and find all you're left with is just lemons.....personally i have a knack for enjoying the smallest things....so the above list made for a great night.....

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