When are they coming back???? It is simply the small things that give me an infinite amount of joy in life (I am so easy to please!)....this being one of them. I can't explain it, but I LOVE lightning bugs. I can sit outside for hours just staring at their tiny glowing butts! I know, I know....it's a mating ritual and a kinda cool one at that....but something about it absolutely fascinates and captivates me. I remember as a child (and last yr for that matter) running around the yard trying to catch them. God is so cool. And He used these little beattles as a sign of confirmation that I should move to N'ville...so there's an added bonus on why I love them so much (if you haven't heard the story, then you've missed out-ask me!).

So my pt is.....When are they coming back? I seriously miss them and I could really use their little lights right now. It would make me oh so happy....and perhaps they can bring back the warm weather that has seemed to disappear so suddenly and recently (maybe this is a chicken and an egg thing, I know, but wishful thinking is always allowed). K, so message to the fireflies: Come out, come out whereever you are! (hope that doesn't remind anyone of a certain very creepy movie, which has, by the way, completely ruined a fun childhood game for me...that I will never again be able to play....my kids will be so deprived!)
you need more to do at work... this is such a random post... it brought a smile to my face... its probably too cold right now... have a good day!
too bad i wasn't at work when i wrote this though...and i think i have enough to do...last night i didn't eat dinner till 4am...and somehow, salmon's just not as good for breakfast!
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