Perhaps my rapid succession blogging will grant me a get out of jail free card for future transgressions....promise this is the last post for quite some time....and i wouldn't want to break that promise, now would i?

The wkend started out with a little half-marathon run through music city! Thanks for playing girls....I'm so proud of all of you. (Amy, Allie, Andrea, me, Stephanie, and Amanda)
Yes, feather boas were involved.....would it really be a bachelorrete party if there wasn't? (Me and Andrea)

Ewww...scary batman bldg....ewww...
did i scare you again, steph? sorry, i had to throw that in here, and yup, its still funny-everytime!

Amanda-you were definately a good sport-veil, crown, boa, and all.
We played some very innocent little games.....hooray my team won the scavenger hunt (thanks, allie and amy)

Last time, I promise.....Left!
Bar hopping anyone?....Virago's, Cabanna, the Stage, and finally....Decades.....all super cool places. I'm so glad ya'll came to visit and took a world-wind tour of nashville. I hope you love it as much as I do. Come back whenever, cause....mi casa es su casa (a spanish lesson just in time for.....)
Cinco de Mayo!!! Mexican and Margaritas! What could be better. (me and Courtney-what's spanish for War Eagle?)
hooray for erin and posting...i heart the pics! and by the way...who knew steph was still alive?
yay, nashvegas pictures! it was so much fun - you were an awesome hostess and i can't wait to come back. but, i do have a slight bone to pick with you. i was under the impression that MY team won the scavenger hunt?! :) haha.
sorry ang...we just let you THINK that....ya know...whatever floats your boat....
yeah!! I dont know what war eagle in spanish would be but we really need to find that out!
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