Wednesday, June 13

Time to BREATHE...

Ok, i'm having a major freak-out moment that's decided to stick around for more like a day...truth of the matter is...i don't think he's moving out for awhile...which is making me more stressed out.

I am by nature the very definition of type A personality with a strong dash of OCD thrown in to liven it up....on top of that, i'm a people person with a lot of friends in very different cricles i often try to juggle or consolidate and I have a laundry list of activities going on at all times. then there's work, errands/chores and breathing, sleep, and food to be found somewhere in the middle. did i mention my brother's living with me for the summer, my roommate's moving out and a new roomie in (who i've just met and am insanely exciting about getting to know )and i'm planning this trip to africa (and the near-future semi-move there) and finding an extra job to defray some of these costs; and drama-there's always always has a way of finding me at the inopportune moments. even still, most days....none of this even phases me.

One can gauge how stressed I am at any given moment by counting number of post-it notes and lists i have started...tonight, i stopped counting at 10....Since last september when I finally decided I was saying YES and going to Africa I did so with the stipulation that I would give everything more worries, no more control, just HIM-he would work ALL details out and worry abt it all...every bit of my life...not just that part and that's how i've has all just been handed to me and intricately planned by Him (which is so cool to watch it all unfold)...when I would normally get stressed I have been miss cool of sorts (very near to making the team switch to type B) but the devil's funny....see blog below and perhaps i should reread as well....that's what you get for declaring with any authority anything. now, i'm totally finding everything He's been doing in me unravelling and quickly.....i know it will just be fleeting...but this tunnel's the darkest it's been in months. oh, and i'm running out of stickies and pens with ink.

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