Barksdale left Tuesday....Court's leaving in the AM...I'm here and more overwhelmed with emotion than I thought....the good kind...the thankful for the blessings kind. I have seen Him working so much in my relationships over the last 3 yrs...particulary answering prayers the last 6 months. See my other blog for how I'm coping....it pertains to me now as the girl in nashville just trying to get by...and the woman He's shaping me to be as I prepare to travel to Africa....so I blogged over there. I miss you guys already!
Okay, so I can't read your other blog b/c it must be on myspace, so you're going to have to copy and paste or something... Anyway, where is Barksdale going?
nope nope...it's my alter-ego to the left!
awww thanks for the shoutout! i love you erin
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