Praise God, from whom ALL blessings flow
Praise Him, all creatures here below;
Praise Him above, ye heavenly host;
Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost!
Praise Him, all creatures here below;
Praise Him above, ye heavenly host;
Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost!
"Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above." -James 1:17
It's story time on the carpet kiddies....gather round.....this is a good one, you'll want to rejoice in the completion of His plan.
I believe in Angels.....I believe in a loving, almighty, all powerful God that knows everything-past, present, and future. He works everything together for GOOD. His GOOD. His plan is perfect. That said....I am blessed to work in a field where I witness His miracles. I believe that when He creates life, it is ordained and life breathed by Him at conception. I believe that at birth these tiny fragile creatures have a powerful direct connection to Him...especially the most frail, tiniest of ones, born before their time. I believe that they can see Him, that He gathers them in His hands and hold them...that angels surround those tiny plastic bubbles we place them in and that these little ones SEE them and get an overwhelming sense of peace by their presence. You can disagree....but first come work in my line of work before you do. But I have proof.
Here's where the story begins: 2 drug addicts come together and God breathes life into a zygote...producing a growing fetus.....during pregnancy mom converts from HIV + to full blown AIDs.....soon, a tiny 26wker is born 3.5 months early.....just a pound or two, very scrawny. the doctors fight to place a tube smaller than a drinking straw into his trachea so they can breathe for him (the lungs aren't developed at this gestation and while they may take breaths, most will grow weary and give up within minutes to hours). The team attempts many times but is unsuccessful, they loose a heart rate and can't stimulate the baby enough, without an airway, they cannot save him. They declare him dead, set him aside, and later he is placed in a bag to go to the morgue (sorry, but it's the truth...and sometimes that's graphic). A nurse comes back 2 hrs later to take the baby down to the basement, when she hears a tiny screaming noise....she looks around and finally her eyes rest on the package she has come to get.....yup....he's alive and fighting...screaming for his life. They give him oxygen, call for a neonatal transport team and he comes to us. By this time he has the worst head bleed one can have, his lungs have been trying to support him, but futiley. All his organs have taken a hit. He ends up on max life support for wks and on death's door. A device is placed in his head that can be used to tap and remove spinal fluid as it builds (sideeffect from the head bleed). Now, he is 3.5 months old, no parents that can care for him. He is alert, loving, full of personality, eats all his bottles and is on 3 cocktails....less than 2 months after his birth he converted and is now HIV + as well.
A mother, has had 2 kids at a young age and has a surgery rendering her unable to have anymore biological kids at age 22. She raises her kids, they are now grown, graduated from college and are starting families....30 years has passed....years of regret for that surgery....she has been praying for another child. His plan has now come full circle-she signs up to be a foster parent. A baby gets a mother....a mother gets a child. I imagine when they were first introduced, our Healer and Protector was standing over her shoulder whispering....Lonnie...she's here...here is your mother. You don't need all those extra angels anymore. She is yours now. Immediately he recognizes the gift he is given.....a once sleepy infant, now wakes every 2 hrs looking for her...can hardly eat because he wants to play with her so much. It is an immediate change....because he knows. She and her husband are in love with him and want to adopt him. I have seen it before...this isn't the first time. Those infants know and the bond is instant and unmistakeable. Lonnie shouldn't have made it by ALL accounts....he IS a miracle and everyone that has cared for him will claim the same. Someone was looking out for him. He has a purpose and today His was fulfilled through teary eyes and tiny fingers.
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