So I love John Mayer, but i'm going to have to respectfully disagree with him on a few points and just rant about a few others......
Waiting on the World
I love this song! But I hate it's message.....the only way the world is going to change is if everyone stops waiting around and does something about it. Even the smallest thing has a chain reaction and if everyone did small things then the world would be a better place...ok, i know i sounded like a PSA, but for don't have a right to complain about the problems you see unless you get off your butt and volunteer....take whatever you are passionate about and do something with it. There's a reason God placed that passion in your heart. He's right...the fight isn't fair, but we're creating it, but calling ourselves powerless. Things can change...and that always starts at the grassroots level...always! Anyways, i just see that our generation is a super passionate people and yet, so many are wasting it, thinking there is nothing we can do that will matter. There is so much we can do!
Slow Dancing in a Burning Room
This could possibly be my fav song on the new album. I know this song is about a relationship, but it strikes me in a very different way most days.....The point is that somewhere along the line we have taught ourselves to fight for things even when the whole place is going up in smoke....the fire alarm was probably not your first hint that whatever the situation is....maybe it's not quite the place for you....leave immediately.....don't wait for other's to put your fires out or rescue you (the firemen may be hot...but they'll prob. be a little too late and you're going to get burned.....leaving life lasting scars) yet...don't leave a burning building and run back in....i, myself, have done this along with witnessing it many times. Sometimes I think we are a little too self-sabotaging of a generation....we start the fire....then sit down in the middle of the floor and watch it burn down around us....very unproductive too many metaphors for anyone?
It is a beautiful armor...but i think it's a little more....and i think that it's the only way to win the war....if you are fighting for anything else then its not only a pretty futile effort, but you're most likely going to fail. Really, what else is there to fight for?....only religion and things you believe passionately in!
i've been listening to this cd since the day it came out and i know all the words, but for some reason, lately when i listen to it i actually hear them! ok, i'm done with this cd...perhaps i'll cover a new one treat!
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