I love my girls from highschool.....
and there's no excuse too good to visit!
The Atlanta Aquarium is insane and there are some really large scary-ass fish out there.....well, it's the truth!
My little brother is now in college!
The beach was long overdue...
concerts are fun....especially outdoors with lots of friends!
@ Toomers post kicking some LSU tail....
Auburn Rocks! War Eagle!
K, in other important updates:
- My sweet primary Katlyn got to go home after4 months! I miss her laugh and smile like crazy, and her insane love of awesome music, but I get to see her in a wk!!!!
- Courtney got a dog, that I LOVE! I'm pretty sure I need one.
- Celia moved to nashvegas....yeah! and now has to put up with me lots.
- Jessica got engaged!-we love Brian, and the way he proposed :) but I'm super sad that she's moving and leaving so soon.
- I'm actually joining a church-hurray for Fellowship.
- Pam's moving to Houston and I'm insanely sad, but happy for where God's leading her family.
- I've now been mute for 3 days (sick for 8)...yup you read right....that's what you get when God tries to tell you something and you repeatedly refuse to listen-He has a sense of humor. Funny, cause i'm not laughing (that too goes with the voice)....believe me-it's very frustrating when you can't communicate verbally-no cell phones, whispering for insanely long periods of time, playing the unending game of charades (which i really think was more for others amusement than information sharing)....the boredom that comes with a clear schedule, not being able to talk, and having to call into work sick for 4 straight shifts (that's where the forced listening comes in) . Moral of the story: even if you don't want to hear what He has to say, u can't just ignore. He's creative.
yeah... I got a shout out in the blog!! you need a dog!!
yeah... I got a shout out in the blog!! AND I agree that you need a dog!! (I'll let you know after I try it out if I think you need a husband...)
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