Excuse me, but where did the summer go?....ok, i know it's only july, but still....it's july....and i just noted that i haven't blogged in over a month....One of my highschool girls got married this wkend, so maybe i'm just being sentimental, but i feel like everytime i blink another few months of my life just flash by. I'm scarred i'm going to wake up next wk and be 40. No seriously, i can hardly remember highschool from 7 yrs ago and college seems distant even at 3. This last yr has flown. Father time....please take a vacation, or at least consider a siesta? please?
So now let's commemorate the last month in a few blinks, courtesy of some pics.....
So now let's commemorate the last month in a few blinks, courtesy of some pics.....

A nice warm summer night and a sounds baseball game....drinks, hotdogs, icees, and fireworks after. Next time we're making shirts and having a cool grp name just so we can be on the scoreboard!

4 states, 5 cities, 11 friends, 2 amusement parks, 4 tanks of gas for 1500 miles of roadage, all in 8 days....thanks for all the fun and bedspace! I needed the vacation.

Happy birth of our nation!
Fireworks on the riverfront, downtown Nashville
How much did that show cost again?
erin, i'm so glad we've gotten to spend two weekends together recently! however, i'm shocked that you included a relatively cute picture of us on here instead of one of the not-so-flattering ones from this past weekend. :) and where's the huddle house hate?!
oh, but give me another day or so and there will be wedding pics up....and the grand incident will be mentioned...by that i am referring to huddle house-we'll keep the rest to ourselves.....
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