That's right...i'm singing a childhood song. Ignore me.....wait, actually don't! I know it's a stupid kid song, but the last few days have been filled with moments where the only thing I could do was sing this song in my head (and occasionally out loud as well). Let me explain: I have been blessed with some amazing weather and opportunities to see beautiful parts of the country I wouldn't have otherwise, if He had not placed me here. They are so magnificent and overwhelming that the only thing my entire soul knew to do was praise Him. I am going through strong moments currently where I'm doubting everything regarding my future and the plans He has laid out for me. They are fleeting, so don't get worried....it's just the devil's way of getting to me and making me feel inadequate. I just have those times where i think...there's no way this is really going to happen....am i really going to be in africa in less than 3 months, where I'm entirely in charge of 40 children's medical care, and i don't even speak the language? Is it really possible, or even plausable? There is no way i have had enough experience....and especially all the tots out of infancy. and a 3rd world country? and all the support i have yet to raise.....and all the things i have to do b4 leaving. i have been having frequent freak-out sessions inside my head. These are the times, when i HAVE to be reminded that I am wholly His: called, guarded, and sealed for His service. He will not let me fail because He will be doing it all. He is the one that has carefully orchestrated the heavens, each star, each blade of grass, each one of these breathtaking scenes, and each magnificent sunset. And I can't even orchestrate or coordinate my steps in a straight line without bumping into things on my best day. Oh how I feel blessed to allow Him to orchestrate my steps. If He can do ALL these things, surely He can handle me!
"Blessed is the man...his delights are in the instruction of the Lord, and on his law he meditates day & night. He is like a tree planted by streams of water that yield ITS fruit in ITS season, and its leaf DOES NOT wither. In ALL that he does, he PROSPERS!" -Psalm 1:1-3