And Girls will be Girls!
I fit in your #2 group and it's not for obvious reasons.....I'm not close to my dad and I never was daddy's little girl....nor do I strive to mimic their relationship or find a husband like my father. They have their way....and usually, I have mine. But, somewhere long ago, He imparted to me that I was His and He is mine and that's all I really need. He has placed desires in my heart and will fulfill these in due His time. He knows what is best and provides far better than I can even dream of. His timing is always perfect and I am clumbsy, very ungraceful, and hardly wear a wristwatch. Furthermore, I choose to let Him do the picking...for He knows the partner I will need in this lifetime to complete the plans He has laid out for me....and we all know....I obviously can't predict where my life's headed (except that it going to be His way or no way). That being said....I've given up on guys (but not like you probably just took that) and am living every moment for Him, perfecting myself to be the woman He intended and created. I do not apologize for how this might come off at times to boys. I do not flirt, and I'm hardly interested. But my sight is set on things eternal and I don't want to concentrate on human attraction instead. I have faith He'll bring the right one along, at the right time.....and it will be along side me not just crossing my path or waiting at the intersection for the next bus. While this might mean years of dateless nights (and has) and occasional feelings of loneliness and what ifs....more importantly, it has saved me from many a heartbreaks and illtimed emotional attachments, physical boundaries being broken once again, and has provided me with an amazingly supportive circle of friends along with unimaginable opportunities. For these things I am blessed and very thankful.
Now, on to the tirade I promised (and which most are accostumed to):
Marriage and relationships as I have observed and deeply believe: Honor is one of the three most important things a relationship and then marriage demands. Without it, there is no future. God-upon which all actions are based and considered, not with the church on sunday philosophy but with the it's the air I breathe application. Ruler, Head, consult for everything, deep relationship. It must be that way not only for each as an individual, but for the couple as a team working for Him (and i see many forgetting that this is the reason He designed us for marriage). Honesty-complete openness....honesty with yourself, with God, and then with your partner. Upon it, trust is built and without it....lies and deciet are inevitable....good luck working with a partner you are secretly suspecting of anything (from hiding your favorite lucky socks to spending more than his on-calls working with sick patients).
Lastly and where I'll focus (cause it's the source of Allison's blog and where I feel most guys are lacking).....Honor-perhaps I shoud say it again boys....honor. This pertains to honoring your committment as a man, created by God to be a man...step up...forget the games and way the world around you spins and step up to what He has called you to be. Honor the girl....and all girls...not just the one you are after for the moment. Rule to live by: she is someone's sister, mother, daughter, and most likely and more importantly...someone else's wife!!! This means, the girl standing in front of you, tossing her hair, is having the same moment as your future wife with a different guy. How you treat the girl, is how you hope someone else is treating your future wife. The end! This means physically-boundaries beyond belief...upfront, honest, and timely boundaries.
You consult her after consulting Him. I crave to serve my future's how girls are created and called, but I will NOT be submissive to anyone who isn't submissive to the One that matters and respectful of my imput. If you honor me, I will honor you by serving and assisting you in anyway I can. Be upfront and intentional about your actions with a girl....quit the gameplaying and hanging out routine. You do not need to know if we are interested. Step up after you have prayfully considered her and where God's leading you. You have the hard job on the front line (acknowledged).....and we give birth to little humans (i will spare details and associations for all my lovely male readers). Do not get into relationships just b/c...cause you're lonely, cause you want to, cause you're tired of sleeping alone. If you aren't ready to committ and are looking for a wife...turn around, walk the other direction, and find someonelse with similar wkend plans. Girls get attached (I know to guard my heart) way too easily and there's no sense "just having fun".....pretty sure God didn't create dating the way we use it!
Honoring all girls means that you are not only practicing for the future, but helping everyother girl you cross paths with. Mostly, we see magazines and movies and hear you guys talk....and we know we can't compete. Quit talking about a girls looks and making comments (physical attraction should be in place, just keep it to yourself). How bout noticing their personality, relationship with the Lord, and how they interact with you and others. Discuss these things....for it is who she truly is. Watch the path they are on and where you're headed....this is what you should be looking for. Nothing is more attractive than the guy who treats every woman they way he would treat his shows that you honor us as the woman we are.....we will return the favor. Perhaps, just give us a few moments to let our guard down from all the sleezes you are surrounded by.....
k, enough....i'm tired of thinking abt it....but there's a few of my thoughts.